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Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act information is required to be sent home by school districts in British Columbia. These documents rarely include cloud computing in their language. It is important that you become familiar with FIPPA and cloud computing. Below is some information regarding this, however it is not exhaustive, and you should not use it as your only resource on this subject. It is a good start, but please continue to do your own research on the matter.

FIPPA Information

Cloud Computing

Please be aware that many of the components used on this site use 3rd party hosting outside of Canada. Please familiarize yourself with the FIPPA laws of British Columbia in regards to education and the use of information posted to services such as Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Before using our platforms (Google Community, Instagram, Twitter), read the document "Cloud Computing Guidelines for Public Bodies"

Sample Documents

Please become informed on your School District's policy regarding cloud computing and FIPPA. Below are some sample documents that you can present to Administration and District Staff if your school and/or district does not have a currrent policy on this matter.


Cloud Computing Consent Form

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