Teacher Resources
Trail Report
The trail report is a way of allowing students to track their learning. It provides a systematic way of collecting data from trips, be it science or social studies focused. Having students document their adventures using the trail report provides meaningful connections to the learning environment.
Bridge Between Nations - Social Studies
The document, Bridge Between Nations, has been produced by the Fraser Basin Council and is an excellent document outlining the use of the Fraser River Watershed by the First Nations People of British Columbia. This resource could be used in parts as a reading resource for Intermediate grades.
Lambs of Hells Gate - Socials, English
This book is a good resource for use with the British Columbia social studies curriculum. There are teacher resources that have been produced that link the reading with Grade 5 curriculum specifically.
Winogradsky Column - Science
A Winogradsky Column is a way of cultivating microbes from samples taken at the edge of a river or stream. You can create these columns very simply with limited resources. It is a good way of connecting the learning inside the science classroom with field studies from your Adventures.
Stream Flow Rates - Science, Math
The ability to understand the changes in flow rates in streams is important in recognizing the changes in seasonal flow and why winter snow pack size is important to a healthy watershed. Students can determine an estimated flow rate quite easily if the stream is of sufficiently small size.