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Social Studies Adventures

First Peoples of the Fraser River Basin


The Fraser River Basin is the traditional ground of many First Nations groups. Although diversity existed between these groups (Language for instance), traditional land use and food were very similar. Use the information below to explore the traditional use of the Salmon, a very important cultural and economic part of First Nations of the Fraser River Basin.



Take a journey back in time


The Fraser River has many historical uses. Travel back in time as a prospector travelling from the mouth of the Fraser to the outpost of Hope during the gold rush of the 1800's. Read the background information contained in the article below and watch the video before embarking on your adventure to the edge of the Fraser River near historic downtown Hope.



Hells Gate


Establishing a rail line through the Fraser Canyon was a daunting task. While construction of the rail was taking place at a very treacherous spot north of Yale, blasting resulted in large amounts of rock to cascade into the river. Discover the results in the video below before embarking on your adventure to the Hell's Gate Airtram.



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